Grey’s Anatomy Winter Finale Recap: Owen's Got Family Drama

For highlights from the Season 12 Winter Finale episode, "Things We Lost in the Fire," here's your Grey's Anatomy recap. On last week's episode, "Something Against You," the hostility between Nathan, whom Bailey hired without telling anyone, and Owen takes center stage at the hospital. When Bailey introduces Riggs to the doctors, Owen blows up at her, but refuses to discuss what happened between the two men in the past. Meredith tells Owen she'll be his person if he needs one, and out of loyalty, she rejects Riggs's offer for a drink. Mysterious drama with Owen aside, Riggs is also facing animosity from Maggie, who wasn't consulted before he was hired to her department. He puts his New Zealander charm to work, and wins her over. And fellow unwelcome new addition to the staff, Penny Blake, finally stands up to Meredith and wins herself a spot in an interesting surgery. Meanwhile, Amelia worries she might have been racist, Webber finds himself playing wingman for Arizona, Bailey tries to get Ben to kick houseguest Jackson out, and April and Jackson end up in bed. At least that might solve Ben's problem!

In the Winter Finale, Riggs and Owen are at the center of gossip and speculation, and Owen is making no effort to conceal his hatred and distrust of Riggs. Staunchly loyal, Meredith makes it clear she doesn't want to work with him either. But faced with an influx of firefighters who've been injured while battling a wildfire, there isn't a lot of time for the drama. It's Bailey's first hospital crisis as Chief of Surgery, and she's determined to move heaven, earth, and cafeteria tables to make sure Grey Sloan doesn't turn away a single firefighter. Meanwhile, Jo is fed up with how close Meredith and Alex are, and confronts Alex about always making Mer his first priority. Keep reading for more details from the November 19, 2015 episode, Grey's Anatomy Season 12 Winter Finale, Episode 8, "Things We Lost in the Fire."

Dr. Webber Will NOT Wingman a Patient for You

Arizona is excited, because for the first time since breaking up with Callie, she feels a spark with someone. It's a little awkward, since the someone is the injured firefighter she's treating, so she asks her new wingman, Dr. Webber, to find out if the patient likes her. He is not amused. "Sure, why don't you write her a little note, you know, the ones with the boxes that you can check, and I'll pass it along," he says sarcastically. Arizona is taken aback. "I'm not going to wingman a patient for you!" Webber tells her, and walks away.

Arizona Asks Webber for a Favor|"I'm not going to wingman a patient for you!"|Arizona is excited, because for the first time since breaking up with Callie, she feels a spark with someone. It's a little awkward, since the someone is the injured firefighter she's treating, so she asks her new wingman, Dr. Webber, to find out if the patient likes her. He is not amused. "Sure, why don't you write her a little note, you know, the ones with the boxes that you can check, and I'll pass it along," he says sarcastically. Arizona is taken aback. "I'm not going to wingman a patient for you!" Webber tells her, and walks away. Watch this scene from the Season 12 Winter Finale, Episode 8, "Things We Lost in the Fire," and don't miss Grey's Anatomy THURSDAYS 8|7c on ABC.


Owen's Mother Embraces... Nathan?

Meredith and Amelia look on in surprise as Owen's mother stops abruptly when she sees Nathan Riggs standing in the hallway and says, "Nathan." He's stunned, but she's overjoyed and holds out her arms. He quickly walks over, and they embrace. It's a completely different reunion than Owen and Nathan's. How does Nathan know Owen's mother? Later, Meredith asks Amelia, "Do we think Owen's mom is Riggs's mom? Because that has happened to me before."

Owen's Mother Hugs Nathan|The mystery of Owen and Riggs deepens.|Meredith and Amelia look on in surprise as Owen's mother stops abruptly when she sees Riggs standing in the hallway and says, "Nathan." He's stunned, but she's overjoyed and holds out her arms. He quickly walks over, and they embrace. It's a completely different reunion than Owen and Nathan's. How does Nathan know Owen's mother? Watch this scene from the Season 12 Winter Finale, Episode 8, "Things We Lost in the Fire," and don't miss Grey's Anatomy THURSDAYS 8|7c on ABC.


Meredith and Amelia Dissolve Their Sisterhood

Meredith made a promise to Cristina that she'd be Owen's person if he needed one. She finds out why Owen hates Riggs so much, but won't break his confidence to tell Amelia. Amelia is furious, and attacks Meredith for being loyal to everyone except her. She lashes out, making cruel comments about Mer, Derek, and Penny. "You've given up. You are crawling into your little hole and dying. You are hollow. And Derek would be sick about it if he could see it. He would be disgusted," she says mercilessly. Amelia never knows when to stop. "I want you out of my house," Meredith says with icy composure, and walks away.

Sneak Peek: You Are Not My Sister|Preview Episode 8: Amelia alienates Meredith.|Meredith made a promise to Cristina that she'd be Owen's person if he needed one. She finds out why Owen hates Riggs so much, but won't break his confidence to tell Amelia. Amelia is furious, and attacks Meredith for being loyal to everyone except her. She lashes out, making cruel comments about Mer, Derek, and Penny. Watch this sneak peek from the Season 12 Winter Finale, Episode 8, "Things We Lost in the Fire," and don't miss Grey's Anatomy THURSDAYS 8|7c on ABC.


Owen Finally Punches Riggs

Owen confronts Riggs AGAIN, and warns him to stay away from the patient, who happens to be Owen's mother's boyfriend. Riggs tells Owen he's already talked to "Ma," and Owen says angrily, "Stay the hell away from my family!" But when Riggs replies, "It's my family, too," Owen snaps, and punches him in the face, twice! Owen and Riggs are related?!

Owen Punches Riggs|Are Owen and Nathan family?!|Owen confronts Riggs again, and warns him to stay away from a patient, Owen's mother's boyfriend. Riggs tells Owen he's already seen "Ma," and Owen says angrily, "Stay the hell away from my family!" But when Riggs replies, "It's my family, too," Owen snaps, and punches him in the face, twice! Owen and Riggs are related?! Watch this scene from the Season 12 Winter Finale, Episode 8, "Things We Lost in the Fire," and don't miss Grey's Anatomy THURSDAYS 8|7c on ABC.


Jackson Wants to Discuss the Confusing, But Amazing, Sex with April

After spending the night with Jackson, April does her best to avoid him at work. Jackson finds this new development as frustrating as when she wouldn't leave him alone. She explains she saw the expression on his face, and she doesn't want him to tell her it's over. Jackson is angry that she's always the one making all the decisions. Finally, she tells him to just say what he has to say. Does Jackson still want a divorce, or is he having second thoughts?

Jackson Confronts April About the Sex|They agree it was amazing, but confusing.|April has been avoiding Jackson since they slept together. She explains she saw the expression on his face, and she doesn't want him to tell her it's over. Jackson is angry that she's always the one making all the decisions. Finally, she tells him to just say what he has to say. Does Jackson still want a divorce, or is he having second thoughts? Watch this scene from the Season 12 Winter Finale, Episode 8, "Things We Lost in the Fire," and don't miss Grey's Anatomy THURSDAYS 8|7c on ABC.


Jo Tells Alex He Sucks at Proposing

Jo is upset when she gets home, and seems ready to end things with Alex after their fight about his friendship with Meredith. But Alex is on a completely different page, and greets her with champagne and an engagement ring. Jo is happy, but still very angry with Alex. "You think this will make everything okay, but you don't LISTEN!" she says. Alex tells her she's wrong, he loves her and he's in her corner. Are Alex's words enough to convince Jo to accept his proposal?

Alex Proposes to Jo|Will Jo say yes or no?|Jo is upset when she gets home, and seems ready to end things with Alex after their fight about his friendship with Meredith. But Alex is on a completely different page, and greets her with champagne and an engagement ring. Jo is happy, but still very angry with Alex. "You think this will make everything okay, but you don't LISTEN!" she says. Alex tells her she's wrong, he loves her and he's in her corner. Are Alex's words enough to convince Jo to accept his proposal? Watch this scene from the Season 12 Winter Finale, Episode 8, "Things We Lost in the Fire," and don't miss Grey's Anatomy THURSDAYS 8|7c on ABC.


Meredith Asks Owen About His Sister While a Distraught Amelia Has a Drink

Amelia is in a dark place after her fight with Meredith. She runs into Nathan at the bar, and when he unknowingly offers her a drink, she accepts. Meanwhile, Meredith, now aware of the history between Nathan and Owen, finds her friend to offer counsel and support. "You never told me you had a sister," she says. Owen looks pained. He turns to Meredith, but has no words.

Owen Has a Sister & Amelia Takes a Drink|Upset, Amelia has a drink. Meanwhile, Mer asks Owen about his sister.|Amelia is in a dark place after her fight with Meredith. She runs into Nathan at the bar, and when he unknowingly offers her a drink, she accepts. Meanwhile, Meredith, now aware of the history between Nathan and Owen, finds her friend to offer counsel and support. "You never told me you had a sister," she says. Owen looks pained. He turns to Meredith, but has no words. Watch this scene from the Season 12 Winter Finale, Episode 8, "Things We Lost in the Fire," and don't miss Grey's Anatomy THURSDAYS 8|7c on ABC.



Tune in THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11 8|7c when Grey's Anatomy returns with Season 12 Episode 9, as part of TGIT every THURSDAY on ABC and watch Episode 8, "Things We Lost in the Fire," now!


Season 12 Recaps

Season 12, Episode 7: "Something Against You"

Season 12, Episode 6: "The Me Nobody Knows"

Season 12, Episode 5: "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner"

Season 12, Episode 4: "Old Time Rock and Roll"

Season 12, Episode 3: "I Choose You"

Season 12, Episode 2: "Walking Tall"

Season 12 Premiere: "Sledgehammer"