The Bachelor 2020 Season Finale, Part 1 Recap: Will Peter Propose in the End?
We've come a long way, guys, and now The Bachelor 2020 season finale is upon us! Last week we learned that Madison would indeed stick around to date Bachelor Peter Weber despite being upset that Peter was intimate with (at least) one of the other ladies. She took her rose with the least amount of enthusiasm possible, but she took it, and so now it's down to Madison and Hannah Ann. One of them will definitely not be engaged to Peter, and the other...well, she might not be engaged to Peter either. It's pretty tough to say at this point, as Peter gets his heart broken and must find a way to pick up the pieces. All we know is that with one episode left, there's A LOT of show left. But first, a look at what just transpired. As always, there are copious Bachelor spoilers below, but read on to see who broke Peter's heart and who might end up engaged.
Hannah Ann Makes an Impression with Peter's Family
From the First Impression Rose to a potential engagement, Hannah Ann has been a frontrunner for a while now. Peter's family is excited to meet her, and it goes well. Her vulnerability impresses Peter's mom, Barbara, who tells Hannah Ann "I feel like I've known you all my life." Peter's dad likes her too. Peter says he's in love with Hannah Ann. In any other world, it sounds like Peter and Hannah Ann would be getting married. But, of course, there's another lady in the mix: Madison. Peter's heart is with two women, but he can only pick one, and it's clearly ripping him in two.
Madison Makes an Impression with Peter's Family Too, But Not a Good One Like You Want
When Madison arrives for her final date with Peter, it gets heavy right from the jump. He asks how she's doing, and her reply is "not good." She feels like she made her feelings clear, and she feels like Peter put his own needs above hers when it came to the Fantasy Suites. With an engagement looming, are Madison and Peter on the same page? Maybe, maybe not:
Madison says she's "hanging by a thread"
Madi says love isn't the issue. The issue is "all this other crap." They both want to get through this, but Madison isn't sure how. Peter wants to figure it out together. Madison seems open to it. They're able to get to where they're laughing and sharing their feelings again.
After a lot of hard conversation, Madison finally says that she loves Peter. He's crazy happy. Will this be enough to make it through everything? Peter seems to be hoping so, at least.
When Madison meets Barbara and Peter, she immediately jumps into talking about how it's been really hard knowing that Peter sleeping with other women. These two kids are saying they're giving it a go, but it's obvious Peter's parents are concerned. Peter's father asks Madison if she thinks they're fully compatible. When Madison talks to Barbara, Madison is defensive about her ultimatum, to the point where Barbara asks Madison straight out, do you think your values are too far apart to make this work?
Peter's brother, Jack, also feels like the things that Madison wants aren't the things that Peter is, or that he wants. Jack comes at him hard enough that Peter gets quite defensive about it, shutting down and saying, in effect, well, I love her, so whatever.
Jack remains unconvinced:
When it's all said and done, the family wants to know how Peter feels, and they definitely don't hold back on telling him how they feel about these ladies. They have definitely taken sides, and they're not shy about it: They think Hannah Ann is right for Peter, and Madison is not. So who is Peter's mom crying about? The mystery is finally solved:
Peter's mom on Hannah Ann: "Don't let her go...bring her home to us"
"Time to Surrender"
After a rough meeting of the parents, Peter is aware that his family isn't yet on board with Madi. But he and Madi are ready to put that behind them with a date out in the Australian Outback! Well, Peter is. Madison...is not:
Madison breaks up with Bachelor Peter Weber
Peter is in shock, barely accepting it at all. It's clear that Madison has had some time to think about everything. She's pretty calm and collected through this, laying out her case that she and Peter are just very different people. She loves Peter, but she sees trouble for them in the real world. No judgments—they're just not a good fit.
She leaves, quietly.
Peter is wrecked. He was having a rough time before, but now…oof.
Will Peter Propose to Hannah Ann?
With Madison gone, Peter needs to figure out if he wants to be with Hannah Ann for the rest of his life, or if it's time to just pack it up. Their final date is at a kangaroo sanctuary for orphaned kangaroos, which is as adorable as it sounds. Hannah Ann's excited but it seems like Peter's head is elsewhere, which OF COURSE IT IS HE JUST GOT HIS HEART BROKEN YESTERDAY. But Hannah Ann can feel it too. She's worried. She's still being as open and honest as she can, but it's clear she feels she's playing from behind. She feels so sure about them that this is frustrating for her:
But she's worried Peter can't say the same. He opens the night by saying that this is bittersweet for him—not the most auspicious start. He tells her he's never doubted anything with her, but his heart is being pulled in two directions. Hannah Ann says it hurts to hear that because she's so sure. She doesn't think he's there—like she is:
Hannah Ann tells Peter he needs to give her more
At the end of the day, Hannah Ann probably just wants to know whether she's getting engaged or dumped. There's no middle ground.
So what's going to happen next? A WHOLE HELL OF A LOT:
Sneak Peek: The Bachelor 2020's Dramatic Season Finale
Watch The Bachelor 2020 season finale TONIGHT 8|7c on ABC!