Grey's Anatomy Recap: Callie and Arizona Make Their Friends Choose Sides

In the Grey's Anatomy Season 12 episode "You're Gonna Need Someone on Your Side," Callie and Arizona's upcoming custody fight is looming over everyone, as each of the exes starts to think about asking their friends to testify on their behalf. Callie, who's fighting to take Sofia with her as she follows Penny to New York, actually asks her fellow doctors, while Arizona struggles with the consequences of the fight she started. Meanwhile, Stephanie's new relationship with with MS patient Kyle Diaz (guest star Wilmer Valderrama) gets complicated when she must bring him back to the hospital, and Meredith pushes Amelia and Owen to take the leap, and really be together. Keep reading this Grey's Anatomy recap for highlights from Season 12, Episode 21, "You're Gonna Need Someone on Your Side."

Arizona Tells Penny to Back Off

Arizona is feeling the pressure of her upcoming custody fight with Callie, as well as her anxiety that she might have found something wrong with April's baby. Unfortunately for both Robbins and Penny Blake, Blake was assigned to Arizona's service that day. When Penny walks up while she's discussing the custody case with Alex, Arizona loses her composure and yells at Penny to back off and leave her alone!

Watch: Arizona Yells at Penny

April Needs a New Doctor

When Arizona sees a possible problem during April's sonogram, April flips out. She attacks Arizona for not finding the issue sooner, and demands an MRI so they can find out for sure if there's something wrong. Arizona reluctantly performs the procedure, which confirms that April and Jackson's baby is completely healthy. They're overjoyed, and April apologizes for being crazy, but Arizona offers her a list of new doctors. She can't be April's doctor and her friend, and she'd rather be her friend.

Watch: Arizona Can't Be April's Doctor

Stephanie Choose Surgery Over Love

Although she's only been seeing MS patient Kyle (Wilmer Valderrama) for a short time, Stephanie has grown attached. When he shows signs of a new hand tremor, Amelia decides to operate. She removes Edwards from his case, sending her to the waiting room like any other family member. The surgery goes well, but the experience reminds Edwards of the painful childhood she spent suffering through sickle cell treatments. Upset, she breaks up with Kyle, telling Jo she can't handle feeling so helpless. "So you chose surgery?" Jo asks. "No, I chose me!" Stephanie says.

Watch: Stephanie Breaks Up with Kyle

Amelia and Owen Are Ready to Screw Things Up

Amelia shows up at Owen's trailer to say that she knows she puts up obstacles and makes having a relationship difficult, but maybe they should anyway. "It's harder to love somebody than to walk away from them," she tells Owen. They both agree they'll probably screw things up, but they don't care anymore. They are ready to be together!

Watch: Owen & Amelia Go All In

Is it fair for Callie and Arizona to ask their friends to choose sides? Will Owen and Amelia screw everything up? Share you reactions to the events of this episode in the comments below, watch the full episode of "You're Gonna Need Someone on Your Side," and tune in THURSDAY, MAY 5 8|7c to see Episode 22, "Mama Tried," on ABC and don't miss the Season 12 Finale episode, "Family Affair," airing THURSDAY, MAY 19 8|7c!

Season 12 Recaps

Season 12, Episode 20: "Trigger Happy"

Season 12, Episode 19: "It's Alright Ma, (I'm Only Bleeding)"

Season 12, Episode 18: "There's a Fine, Fine Line"

Season 12, Episode 17: "I Wear the Face"

Season 12, Episode 16: "When It Hurts So Bad"

Season 12, Episode 15: "I Am Not Waiting Anymore"

Season 12, Episode 14: "Odd Man Out"

Season 12, Episode 13: "All Eyez On Me"

Season 12, Episode 12: "My Next Life"

Season 12, Episode 11: "Unbreak My Heart"

Season 12, Episode 10: "All I Want Is You"

Season 12, Episode 9: "The Sound of Silence"

Season 12, Episode 8, the Winter Finale: "Things We Lost in the Fire"

Season 12, Episode 7: "Something Against You"

Season 12, Episode 6: "The Me Nobody Knows"

Season 12, Episode 5: "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner"

Season 12, Episode 4: "Old Time Rock and Roll"

Season 12, Episode 3: "I Choose You"

Season 12, Episode 2: "Walking Tall"

Season 12 Premiere: "Sledgehammer"