Grey's Anatomy Recap: Ben's Impulsive Actions Put Bailey in a Difficult Position

Here's your Grey's Anatomy recap for the Season 12 episode "There's a Fine, Fine Line." In the first part of this week's 2-hour event, a missing child forces the hospital into an emergency lockdown. Dr. Warren, who's coming off a recent suspension for opening up a man's chest with a clipboard, decides to operate on a pregnant mother in a hallway, without the proper surgical equipment, and the outcome is fatal. Dr. Bailey, as Chief and Ben's boss, must deal with the repercussions of the event, and finds herself in the position of having to judge whether or not her husband's impulsive actions were justified or reckless. Keep reading this Grey's Anatomy recap for highlights from Season 12, Episode 18, "There's a Fine, Fine Line."

To Call It or Not to Call It?

When a child goes missing in the hospital, Karev pushes Chief Bailey to call a code pink, an emergency security protocol which locks the hospital down completely. The hospital's head of security strongly advises Bailey not to implement the drastic measure, which could put lives at risk. When she hesitates, Alex knows exactly what button to push, asking, "What if it was Tuck?" and Bailey immediately concedes. Soon after, he finds the missing boy hiding under a stairwell, just as the security chief had predicted. Bailey made a costly error in judgment, and the ripple effects might just change everything between herself and Ben.

Sneak Peek: Bailey Makes a Tough Call|Preview Episode 18: Alex pushes Bailey to call a code pink.|When a child goes missing in the hospital, Alex pushes Bailey to call a code pink, a drastic security protocol which locks the hospital down completely. When she hesitates, he asks, "What if it was Tuck?" and Bailey immediately concedes. Watch this sneak peek from Season 12, Episode 18, "There's a Fine, Fine Line" and don't miss Grey's Anatomy THURSDAYS 8|7c on ABC.

The Chief Was Not Asking

Alex is furiously trying to save the life of the newborn Ben delivered via emergency C-section during the lockdown. He demands to know what happened, and Warren explains he had to do the procedure in those conditions to save the mother and baby. Alex tersely replies they still might lose them both. Chief Bailey walks in, assesses the situation, and tries to pull her husband aside, but Ben brushes her off, not wanting to leave until the infant is out of danger. "Dr. Warren, I'm not asking; Come with me, right now!" she commands.

Sneak Peek: Will Bailey Have to Punish Ben?|Preview Episode 18: Ben goes rogue again.|Ben breaks hospital rules and procedures again by performing an emergency C-section in the hallway. He tells Alex he had to do it to save the mother and baby, but Alex tersely replies they still might lose them both. Chief Bailey walks in, assesses the situation, and tries to pull her husband aside, but Ben brushes her off, not wanting to leave the patients. "Dr. Warren, I'm not asking; Come with me, right now!" she says. Watch this sneak peek from Season 12, Episode 18, "There's a Fine, Fine Line" and don't miss Grey's Anatomy THURSDAYS 8|7c on ABC.

A Jurisdictional Dispute

After looking into Ben's actions, Bailey approaches Dr. Webber to ask him, as head of the residency program, to handle disciplining Dr. Warren. Webber understands that Bailey doesn't want to have to punish her husband, but tells her that the situation is above his pay grade. After all, he points out, she's in charge now: "A surgical resident could be responsible for the death of two patients today! I'm not the Chief anymore, this is above my jurisdiction. Especially if we're dealing with a resident who's out of control!" Bailey protests that Ben isn't dangerous, but Richard asks if she's sure. It's up to Miranda to find out what really happened, and mete out appropriate punishment. "It's your job. Do your job!" he says.

Bailey Asks Webber to Discipline Ben|Dr. Webber tells Chief Bailey to do her job.|Dr. Bailey asks Dr. Webber, as head of the residency program, to handle disciplining Dr. Warren for once again going rogue. Webber knows Miranda doesn't want to have to punish her own husband, but refuses. He tells her, "A surgical resident could be responsible for the death of two patients today. I'm not the Chief anymore, this is above my jurisdiction... especially if we're dealing with a resident who's out of control!" Bailey protests, but deep down she knows it's true. Watch this scene from Season 12, Episode 18, "There's a Fine, Fine Line" and don't miss Grey's Anatomy THURSDAYS 8|7c on ABC.

Bad News Bailey

Ben's reckless decision to operate on the pregnant patient without proper surgical equipment leads to the death of both the woman and her newborn, and as Chief, Bailey is the one who must deal with the aftermath and clean up his mess, if she can. She's in a somber mood as she checks in on the women's children, who were injured in the car accident with their mother and father. The eldest, Jasmine (played by Asia Monet Ray), takes Bailey aside and asks for the truth about her parents' conditions. With a heavy heart, Bailey delivers the devastating news that the children's mother is dead. She can only hope their father pulls through.

Chief Bailey Delivers Bad News|Bailey has to give a young girl some heartbreaking news.|Ben's reckless decision to operate on a pregnant woman without proper surgical equipment leads to the death of both the woman and her newborn, and as Chief, Bailey is the one who must deal with the aftermath. She's in a somber mood as she checks in on the women's children, who were injured in the car accident with their mother and father. The oldest daughter pulls Bailey aside and asks for the truth about her parents, and with a heavy heart, Bailey delivers the devastating news that her mother is dead. Watch this scene from Season 12, Episode 18, "There's a Fine, Fine Line" and don't miss Grey's Anatomy THURSDAYS 8|7c on ABC.

The Smoking Gun

The crux of Ben's defense of his decision to perform a C-section on a woman in a hallway, without proper surgical equipment, is that he had no choice: he was out of options. But Bailey, on a quest to prove her husband was justified, uncovers damning surveillance footage indicating the opposite. The tape clearly shows the elevator doors sliding open, and Dr. Warren, scalpel poised just above his patient's abdomen, looking up and staring directly into the elevator. He then proceeds to slice open her stomach, despite having an escape route to an OR. She plays the video for Ben, and who grows defensive, and furious at what she is accusing him of. "I am your damn husband!" he shouts, and storms out.

Share you reactions to the events of this episode, and tune in THURSDAY, APRIL 21 8|7c to see Episode 20, "Trigger Happy," on ABC and don't miss the Season 12 Finale episode, airing THURSDAY, MAY 19 8|7c!

Season 12 Recaps

Season 12, Episode 17: "I Wear the Face"

Season 12, Episode 16: "When It Hurts So Bad"

Season 12, Episode 15: "I Am Not Waiting Anymore"

Season 12, Episode 14: "Odd Man Out"

Season 12, Episode 13: "All Eyez On Me"

Season 12, Episode 12: "My Next Life"

Season 12, Episode 11: "Unbreak My Heart"

Season 12, Episode 10: "All I Want Is You"

Season 12, Episode 9: "The Sound of Silence"

Season 12, Episode 8, the Winter Finale: "Things We Lost in the Fire"

Season 12, Episode 7: "Something Against You"

Season 12, Episode 6: "The Me Nobody Knows"

Season 12, Episode 5: "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner"

Season 12, Episode 4: "Old Time Rock and Roll"

Season 12, Episode 3: "I Choose You"

Season 12, Episode 2: "Walking Tall"

Season 12 Premiere: "Sledgehammer"