Grey's Anatomy Recap: Meredith and Riggs Hook Up in Episode 23

In the Grey's Anatomy Season 12 episode "At Last," Owen and Amelia realize they want to take their relationship to the next level, Alex presses Jo for an answer to his proposal, and gains some clarity on their future together, and Callie and Arizona continue to struggle with their new, court-mandated custody arrangementStephanie, who broke up with MS patient Kyle Diaz (guest star Wilmer Valderrama), seriously regrets her the decision, and they reconnect when he ends up back in the hospital with worsening symptoms. Keep reading this Grey's Anatomy recap for highlights from Season 12, Episode 23, "At Last."

Is This the End for Callie and Penny?

The mood is tense between Callie and girlfriend Penny (Samantha Sloyan) since Callie lost custody of Sofia. Callie seems to be holding it against Penny, who's the reason there was a custody battle to lose. Penny offers to delay her move to New York, but Callie seems uninterested in trying to fix things, certain that a long distance relationship is doomed to fail. Penny finally asks... is she being dumped?

Watch: Is Callie Dumping Penny?

Amelia Wants Her Life with Owen to Start Already

Owen brings Amelia to see the new house he bought because she was tired of his trailer. Their recent conversations about marriage, though only half-serious, are clearly on her mind. "Why aren't we doing it? Why aren't we building our life?" she asks. "I don't want to waste our time... I want a real life, and I want it with you." Owen is surprised. "Are you asking me to marry you?" he asks. "Yes!" she says, and then formally asks him.

Watch: Amelia Proposes to Owen

Stephanie Doesn't Get to Say Goodbye

Although she hadn't known him very long, Stephanie had a strong connection with MS patient Kyle Diaz (guest star Wilmer Valderrama). She broke up with him after she was barred from scrubbing in during his first surgery, but regretted her choice. When he's brought back to the hospital with worsening symptoms, they reconnect. Stephanie disagrees with the risky surgery Amelia chooses to perform, and watches the procedure from the gallery. When Amelia realizes Kyle isn't going to make it, she sends Jo upstairs to try to prevent Stephanie from seeing him die, but Jo is too late.

Watch: Stephanie Sees Kyle Die on the Operating Table


Jo Just Says No

Alex comes home and tells Jo he's ready to get married, and he needs her answer. Is she going to accept his proposal? Jo is upset, and she tells Alex she's sorry, but no, she can't marry him. Is this the end for Jo and Alex?

Watch: Alex Wants Jo to Give Him an Answer

Meredith and Riggs Hook Up

At the end of a long day, Meredith and Nathan Riggs start bickering in the parking lot. "I can see why Owen hates you!" she says. He tells her not to be mean, she tells him not to be nice, and then all of a sudden, they're making out!

Watch: Meredith Jumps Riggs

Why won't Jo marry Alex? Is the Meredith/Riggs hook up a terrible idea or a great idea? Share you reactions to the events of this episode in the comments below, watch the full episode of "At Last," and don't miss the Season 12 Finale episode, "Family Affair," airing THURSDAY, MAY 19 8|7c!

Season 12 Recaps

Season 12 Episode 22: "Mama Tried"

Season 12, Episode 21: "You're Gonna Need Someone on Your Side"

Season 12, Episode 20: "Trigger Happy"

Season 12, Episode 19: "It's Alright Ma, (I'm Only Bleeding)"

Season 12, Episode 18: "There's a Fine, Fine Line"

Season 12, Episode 17: "I Wear the Face"

Season 12, Episode 16: "When It Hurts So Bad"

Season 12, Episode 15: "I Am Not Waiting Anymore"

Season 12, Episode 14: "Odd Man Out"

Season 12, Episode 13: "All Eyez On Me"

Season 12, Episode 12: "My Next Life"

Season 12, Episode 11: "Unbreak My Heart"

Season 12, Episode 10: "All I Want Is You"

Season 12, Episode 9: "The Sound of Silence"

Season 12, Episode 8, the Winter Finale: "Things We Lost in the Fire"

Season 12, Episode 7: "Something Against You"

Season 12, Episode 6: "The Me Nobody Knows"

Season 12, Episode 5: "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner"

Season 12, Episode 4: "Old Time Rock and Roll"

Season 12, Episode 3: "I Choose You"

Season 12, Episode 2: "Walking Tall"

Season 12 Premiere: "Sledgehammer"